Does My Carpet Have Mold?

Mold thrives in moist, warm conditions like carpets. If your carpets get wet and get wet for extended periods, mold can sprout. The issue is that it occurs in the layers beneath the surface. It's possible that you won't notice it. If left unchecked, mold can cause health problems for residents of the home…it’s best have the problem taken care of right away.

How often should I get my carpets cleaned?

Carpets are an important aspect of a home, as they contribute to the comfort and atmosphere it provides. Because these are costly investments, carpet cleaning should be done regularly. Unfortunately, carpets absorb all the toxins in your home. Majestic Carpet Cleaning understands the importance of carpet and upholstery cleaning – reach out to us today to see how we can help.

Is it necessary to vacuum after carpet cleaning?

Many customers question if they should vacuum their carpet after having it cleaned by carpet cleaning services. Because their carpets are so immaculate, most individuals are scared to touch them. Is it a promising idea to vacuum after carpet cleaning? We strongly suggest you do once your carpet cleaning expert has left.