Customer Testimonials

“They did a great job on my rug. And the whole living room was smelling good lol. I mean my kids said it too that the rug smells good. Will definitely đź’Ż take my rug there if it needs cleaning . Thanks Majestic pple.” – Sarah


“Very professional work done by the Majestic team. I have used them twice and my family members use them as well. I would recommend them very highly đź‘Ť” – Warren


“I had my living room carpet cleaned on Tuesday. I can’t believe the difference! I wish I did it sooner. Thank you again for everything!” – Jen


“I just want to thank Carmen for the great job he did on my laminate floor. It looks like the day I had it installed. Great job Carmen” – Frank


“Had a washer sink get clogged and flooded my laundry room and the carpet started taking on water. I called Majestic at 10p at night and they were here within a half hour. Carmen was very nice, cleaned my laundry room, sucked the water from the carpet and made sure I wouldn’t have mold issues moving forward. He also cleaned the carpet and left fans and dehumidifiers running overnight to ensure it all dried out. He returned the next day and cleaned the carpet again and cleaned up all the machines. Very grateful for their service and saving me late at night!” – Kevin